Trademark Registration Individual

Trademark registration for individuals is crucial because it legally protects your unique brand name or logo, ensuring that you have exclusive rights to use and prevent others from using similar marks, ultimately safeguarding your personal or professional identity in the marketplace.

Who Can Register


Private limited companies

Public businesses

Limited liability partnership firms

Partnership firms

Sole proprietorships

Documents Required

Mandatory Documents

Individual's Identity Proof

A copy of the individual's valid identity proof, such as a PAN card, Aadhar card, or voting card.

Address Proof

A copy of the individual's address proof, such as a utility bill, lease agreement, or bank statement.

Power of Attorney (Optional)

If an agent is filing the application on behalf of the individual, a power of attorney is required. This document authorizes the agent to represent the individual throughout the trademark registration process.

Form TM-48

This is the primary trademark registration application form, accessible for download from the CGPDTM website. The document necessitates comprehensive details about the applicant, the trademark itself, the specific goods or services associated with the trademark, and the initial date of commercial use.

Representation of the Trademark (Optional)

If the trademark is a word mark, a clear and concise description of the mark is sufficient. However, if the trademark is a logo or other visual mark, a representation of the mark should be provided in JPEG or PNG format.

Declaration: The individual must sign a declaration stating that they are the sole proprietor of the trademark and that they have the right to file the application.

Additional Documents (if applicable)

Priority Claim Form (TM-19)

If the individual is claiming priority based on a prior trademark application filed in India or another country, a priority claim form must be submitted.

Evidence of Use

If the individual is claiming that the trademark has been used in commerce, they should provide evidence of such use. This could include copies of invoices, advertisements, or other documentation.

Translation of Documents

If any documents are not in English or Hindi, they must be translated into one of these languages and accompanied by a certificate of accuracy from a certified translator.

Official Link

The official link for filing a trademark application in India is the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (CGPDTM) website


The cost of filing a trademark application for an individual in India varies depending on the number of classes of goods or services for which the trademark is being registered.
The current fees are as follows:

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